Saturday 4 April 2015

HTML Programming Language and importance

HTML is the Web development language and most important to create your own website with the help of CSS.In the late 1980's , Tim Berners-Lee who was a founder of HTML and proposed a system for CERN researchers ,HTML is the "hidden" code that helps us communicate with others on the World Wide Web (WWW).Tim Berners-Lee is known as father of HTML.
HTML is a very easy and simple language,easily understood and modified of HTML documents.It is very easy to effective presentation with HTML because it has a lot of formatting tags.It is provided a flexible way to design web pages along with the text.It facilitates programmers to paragraph on the web pages (by html p tag) , so it enhances the interest of browsing of the user.
It is platform-independent because it can be displayed on which you can use platform like Macintosh Windows, Linux etc.It is provided for programmer to Graphics with Sound , Videos shows on the web pages.HTML is a computer language and it is allowed for website creation and We can shows in front of client operating system and any browser by user can view that.
HT-(hyper text) that means a Text document Linked with to another document and ML – (Markup Language) – written b/w tags (<>).It is describing web documents (web pages).HTML tags are commonly pre define for creating static web pages.HTML is define in Markup Language which means that  HTML + DHTML + XML + XHTML.All Markup Languages product of W3C(world wide Web Consortium – Group) Use for web development.
Important Points Of Markup languages
It is product of W3C (world wide web consortium-group).Firstly presented markup language by GML(Generalized Markup Language) but this markup language not successful in development because it is more defficult to understand.Then after W3C is introduced two languages HTML and DHTML.DHTML (dynamic hyper text markup language).DHTML is used a Pre define with Dynamic web pages and using dynamic web pages.It means dynamic web pages used css(cascading style sheets) & scripting language.